Monthly Archives: February 2013

Best Bedroom Colors (Including Green & Magenta)

Re: You talk about green pillowcases being good to sleep on for the head in your book. Could you suggest colours for bed sheets and good colours for the bedroom? Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Grity) advised, “Sleep with your head on a green pillowcase and use a magenta sheet.” A green pillowcase balances the Brain-Governor Meridian…

The Psychopharmaceutical Industrial Complex

SPECIAL SHOW: Evelyn Pringle – The Unconscionable Drugging of American Children and the Link to Violence and School Shootings – December 27, 2012 . Evelyn Pringle is an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America. She won multiple awards for her investigative reporting from the International Center for the Study…

21 Foods That Will Reduce Pain, Inflammation And Boost Immunity More Effectively Than Medication

One Radio Network February 1, 2013 by MAE CHAN Throw away the aspirin and get rid of the anti-inflammatory medication because nature has all you need to rid your pain with far more effectiveness than any man-made pill can provide. They will also simultaneously advance your health with powerful nutrients which will set the terrain…

Morningland Dairy destroyed by feds, $250,000 inventory stolen by government thugs during armed raid

(NaturalNews) There is a reason why America’s founding fathers were willing to shed their own blood to gain independence from the crushing authoritarianism of the Crown of England. Nearly three years after first becoming a target for destruction by state and federal government agencies, Morningland Dairy of Mountain View, Missouri, has officially and forcibly been…

The Yin & Yang Of Organic Cyanide (Vitamin B-17)

Cancer cells can be killed by free cyanide released from dietary nitrilosides, collectively known as vitamin B-17, the “antineoplastic vitamin.” Dietary nitrilosides are precursors of cyanocobalamin (a form of vitamin B-12) and some isomers of salicylic acid. Hundred of foods contain nitrilosides, especially tropical foods – although meddling gene jockeys are busy reducing and removing…

Open Phone Friday – With Freedom Comes Responsibility – Still Crazy after all these years – February 1, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Patrick talks with listeners and answers emails on health, wealth and well being Show Highlights: -With Freedom comes responsibility -The trials and tribulations of Morningland Dairy -Cutting down on body odor while using DMSO -Approaching your body with a “no kill” attitude -“it’s fun sticking things…

It’s Not About the Guns

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network As (hopefully) all of you reading this will know, the Second Amendment of The Constitution protects Americans’ rights to have weapons (arms) to defend themselves against a tyrannical, out-of-control government. Please note that it does not GIVE Americans the right to have weapons. It protects that…

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