Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Ego as the Root of Conflict

Posted by Dr Sircus Most people think of the ego as something they value, their individual separate uniqueness, and they cannot distinguish it from their real being. The idea of “getting rid of” or “working on” the ego seems foreign to them. They ask, “Is there any advantage in transcending the ego? How can it…

Surging Disinformation Analysts Commenting On Your Favorite Websites To Emotionalize and Antagonize

May 30, 2013 by MARCO TORRES Ever wonder why those same obnoxious, arrogant and infrequent users just happen to appear on the heels of very controversial posts like clock-work? They monitor, wait and then pounce of the same topics to emotionalize and antagonize legitimate users on social networking and thousands of other websites. Whether it…

Is It Too Late to Stop the Global Panopticon?

Am I against vaccines because they contain mercury, aluminum salts, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, human serum albumin, antibiotics, egg protein, yeast protein, gelatin, viruses, bacteria, fungi, preservatives, manufacturing residues, etc.? Of course, but I’m against vaccines for another reason. Why are so many corporations and advocacy organizations, governmental and otherwise, offering free vaccinations? Why would…

Numerous Studies Show how Apples can Prevent Cancer, Defeat Cancerous Tumors

by Elizabeth Renter May 29th, 2013 A fruit with over 7,500 varieties, apples actually originated in Asia, but you wouldn’t know it today as they are some of the most widely cultivated fruits in the world. But whether you like the tart Granny Smiths, the sweet Red Delicious, or the juicy Gala—these apples are providing…

The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World

by Christina Sarich May 29th, 2013 If you’ve already been through an economic collapse, you might know a thing or two about how to feed your family with little money. More importantly, you might know how to do it without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seed. On a total of about 20 million acres managed…

Dr. Benjamin Lynch, ND – Natural Doctor and Expert on MTHFR Gene Mutations Offers Excellent Health Ideas and Takes a Special In Depth Look at B-12 – May 28, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Benjamin Lynch, ND Natural Doctor and Expert on MTHFR Gene Mutations   Dr. Ben believes the root cause for many health conditions and symptoms stem from ineffective digestion, environmental exposures, poor diet and lack of a healthy social outlet and inlet. Once digestion is restored and optimized with…

Terrence Ingram – Miracles in the Beehive: The Connection Between Colony Collapse Disorder And Monsantos RoundUp Herbicide – May 28, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Terrence Ingram Bee Keeper What’s Happening to Our Bees?   Terrence Ingram has been keeping bees since 1954. In 1996, he lost 250 hives due to the spraying of RoundUp on the cornfields near his property. He tells gives us details in this interview of his issues with the…

Sheriffs plan to put feds back in their place

Listnen to our interview with Sheriff Mack sheriff richard mack, march 27, 2012 . The purpose of the conference is to equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with information and public support to carry out their oaths of office – specifically, to uphold the U.S. Constitution – recognizing that in the case of…

Consumers Will Soon Have Devices In Their Hands To Detect GMO and Toxic Foods

May 26, 2013 by MARCO TORRES In the not too distant future, consumers will be able to run on-the-spot tests for environmental toxins, GMOs, pesticides, food safety and more with their smartphones and other hand-held devices. Every human being on every developed nation on Earth, whether living in a rural or isolated area, in the…

March Against Monsanto A Major Success!

by Anthony Gucciardi May 25th, 2013 The March Against Monsanto has been a major success, generating mass awareness across the nation and the globe alike as millions marched into the streets of major cities and towns to voice their opposition against Monsanto’s monopoly on the food supply at large. While I was travelling away from…

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