Monthly Archives: June 2013

You Can Cure Yourself Of Any Disease You Acquire

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “The one single energy is philosophically called ‘life.’ Therapeutically, the one single energy is called ‘negative ions.’ ‘lifetrons,,’ ‘bions,’ breaking up into the spectrum. The brain is the main receiving center.” “If you don’t know how you’re constructed, you think somebody cures you. No matter what the disease is,…

5 Million Farmers Locked In Lawsuit Against Monsanto

The US-based biotech giant Monsanto is locked in a lawsuit with five million Brazilian farmers, suing for as much as 7.7 billion US dollars (6.2 billion euros). Anthony Gucciardi points out that research indicates that Monsanto is responsible for farmer suicides at a rate of one every 30 minutes. However, just like those farming regions…

Monsanto Exec Gets ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ of Food

In a blatant act of transgression against the population of the world and real science, the agricultural equivalent to the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ known as the World Food Prize has been given to a Monsanto executive and two associates for their role in the development of genetically modified crops. Robert Fraley, thechief technology officer at…

Stress: The Modern Poison That is Making Us Fat, Bald, Crazy and Extremely Unhealthy

20th June 2013 ByCarolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The term stress is tossed around freely in this modern age and has become a casual buzzword for just about any predicament that we find unpleasant. Yet how it truly effects health and well-being in substantial ways is rarely acknowledged. Linked with a range…

Jenn Zerling – Fitness Expert and Author of Breaking the Chains of Obesity – June 20, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jenn Zerling Fitness Expert and Author of Breaking the Chains of Obesity Jenn Zerling, MS, CPT (JZ) has been an athlete her whole life and a fitness expert for over 10 years. She holds a Masters degree in Kinesiology and multiple national certifications. She currently works for Cenegenics Medical…

Yogi Akal – Another Tool in the Toolbox; Numerology to Navigate Love and Life – June 20, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Yogi Akal Numerologist, Spiritual Adviser and Public Speaker Topic: Love by the Numbers We went a little bit outside of our usual topics on health today and delightfully so. Yogi Akal is an entertaining and thought provoking guest. This is not a show about fortune telling or psychic…

Beat Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

by Dr. Jockers Beat Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks itself. RA is characterized by chronic inflammation that destroys joints, tissues and organs over a period of time. Beat rheumatoid arthritis by de-inflaming the body through natural lifestyle principles. Auto-immune conditions like RA…

Tummy troubles? Chewing your food properly could help

By Adam Smith and Dr Robert Verkerk, ANH Europe NYR Natural News Six, 8 and 9 – are these numbers familiar? Well, apparently that’s the average time, in minutes, that we Brits spend eating our breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively. And 23 minutes for all your day’s eating almost guarantees that you won’t chew your…

If You Don’t Mind Cancer Causing Radiation Passing Through Your Food, Keep Using A Microwave

June 20, 2013 by MARCO TORRES Prevent Disease Are microwaves a benign bastion of convenience or a sinister contributor to biological and nutritional damage? That depends where you attain your health information from. Many believe microwaves are an ingenious time-saving device and wonder how anyone ever lived without them. Others are aware their food doesn’t…

American Medical Association Opens The Flood Gates For New Vaccines and Drugs By Officially Declaring Obesity A Disease

June 20, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC Prevent Disease The move by the American Medical Association board means that one-third of the U.S. adult population can now officially be diagnosed and treated with a flood of new drugs and vaccines which have been years in the making. Everything is calculated and carefully controlled when it comes…

Nasal Irrigation (Jala Neti) to Alleviate Sinus Problems, Congestion, Hay Fever

by Christina Sarich June 19th, 2013 In ancientAyurvedicmedicine and yogic science, irrigation of the nasal passages is said to balance two important energy centers called theIdaandPingala nadis, but in modern use,Jala Neti, the Sanskrit term for the flushing of water through our nasal passages, is a wonderful way to clear the symptoms of Hay fever,…

The Mirror Technique Protects Against Psychic Assault

The best psychic protection money can’t buy is the Mirror Technique. Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) instructed … “Visualize yourself as a mirror. If someone threatens to psychically attack you, tell them you have made yourself into a mirror for protection. If they send you hate, they get hate back in equal proportion. If they give…

Brandon Amalani – The Dynamic Nature of Yin and Yang; Balancing the Energy Within Ourselves – June 18, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Brandon Amalani Chinese Medicine: Understanding Yin and Yang Brandon Amalani has been a student of herbal medicine, nutritional therapies, and Traditional Chinese Medicine for over a decade. With years of experience, Brandon has preformed numerous classes, seminars, lectures and individual consultations in the Midwest. Show Highlights: -Yin and…

Dr. Judy Carman and Howard Vlieger – ‘New Study Shows That Animals Are Seriously Harmed By Eating GM Crops’: The Interview – June 18, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Judy Carman Epidemiologist and Biochemist Howard Vlieger Farmer and Livestock Advisor Authors of the article we ran last week which went viral ‘New Study Shows That Animals Are Seriously Harmed By Eating GM Crops’ It’s interviews like these on subjects like this that, we feel here at…

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