Monthly Archives: August 2013

Live Blood Analysis – Observable Effects of RF/MW Radiation from ‘Smart’ Meters

Activist Post The following clip is an excerpt from upcoming documentary,Take Back Your Power– a critical investigation of the Smart Metering phenomenon and Smart Grid. It shows observable effects of the RF/MW radiation from a Smart Meter on human blood cells using dark-field microscopy. Please watch and and take action to share this information as…

Peter Ragnar – The Longevity Sage: Do You Believe You’re Here To Make A Difference?: Keeping Your Vehicle In Tip Top Shape – August 22, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Peter Ragnar The Longevity Sage We really love this man for his non dogmatic approach to life among other things. We ran across Peters new picture on FB recently and to our amazement, continues to turn back the clock year after year. We’ve known him for many , many…

Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event? “There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in the Background”

Mac Slavo Activist Post If there’s one thing we know about how the US government operates, it’s that the American people are oftenthe last to knowabout serious problems that may be taking place behind the scenes. This week, in a move that has spooked a lot of economic and financial analysts, President Barack Obama held…

Why Calcium In Milk And Most Calcium Supplements Are A Huge Detriment To Your Health

Most people are unaware that pasteurized milk actually causes osteoporosis because there is a process the body must commit to due to milk’s calcium content being unabsorbed. The majority of calcium supplements on the market also contain inferior forms of the mineral which are also not absorbable and actually decrease the digestibility of other nutrients….

The Weston A. Price Foundation – Caustic Commentary – Summer 2013

VACCINES OVER BREASTFEEDING A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides an excellent example of the distain of scientists for the natural world. Entitled “Inhibitory effect of breast milk in ineffectivity of live oral rotavirus vaccines,” the study claims that the immune-boosting effects of breastmilk are detrimental to the efficacy…

Sophia Stewart – Taking On the Big Boys of Hollywood – The “Mother of the Matrix” Speaks Out on Copyright Infringement – August 20, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sophia Stewart The Mother of the Matrix Mother of the Matrix as she is affectionately known, wrote her Epic The Third Eye while she was studying cinema at the University of Southern California. This ingenuous work, copyrighted since 1981, is the foundation and contains the core elements of the…

Strongmen Who Knew the Value Of Deep Breathing

Let’s look at six more people who praised the virtues of deep breathing (continuing my blog entry of March 1, 2013) … (4) JOSEPH L. GREENSTEIN (1893-1977) was called “The Mighty Atom.” He learned the secrets of “low and high breathing” as a teenager from the Russian strongman Champion Volanko and the Punjabi wrestler The…

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Detoxify

Written By: Sayer Ji Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove environmental toxins, we are bound to get sick. So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body of…

Conscious Sleep Apnea & Unconscious Sleep Apnea

Re: What are your recommendations for someone with sleep apnea? Central obesity (midsection bloat) is a major cause of sleep apnea. Central obesity is a major factor in heart attacks too. Bloated or not, these things can ease sleep apnea … (1) yawn and stretch often (2) do free-form dancing and other nonlinear exercises (3)…

Open Phone Friday – The Edge Is Where the Action Is – Pro Youthing made simple and this way is free – August 16, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Show Highlights: -Listening to your body: Patrick recaps yesterdays show with Blossom Benedict. It’s a good one, so don’t miss it, especially if you’ve been listening to everyone, but yourself -Kerri Rivera shared some stunning information on using chlorine dioxide for reversing Autism. She’s a real…

Micro-Chipped Pharmaceuticals Given Green Light by Medical Totalitarians

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Proteus Digital Healthwhich recently changed their name from Proteus Biomedical has been given approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to dose you with a micro-chipped pill. The company has been working with the FDA since 2008, at its own admission, to ‘determine the regulatory pathway for this…

Is The Epidemic of Thyroid Nodule ‘Cancers’ A Medical Illusion?

Written By: Dr. Jeffrey Dach, MD Originally published as “The Thyroid Nodule Epidemic by Jeffrey Dach, MD” A 36 Year OldFemale With Hypothyroidism After Thyroidectomy For Thyroid Cancer Lisa, a 36-year-oldmodel and actress, arrived in my office and told me her story. Ever since her thyroidectomy for cancer, she has hadsymptoms of severe fatigue, muscle…

Antibiotic-Resistant Genes In Recycled Water

(1) GMO foods (2) chlorinated hydrocarbons (3) heavy metal hazardous waste (4) nanoparticle contamination (5) petrochemical pollution (6) radioactive fallout … are not the greatest threat to global human survival. The two greatest threats are … (1) recycled water (2) processed sewage These provide “lending libraries” for antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs). UV light has no effect…

Kerri Rivera – Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism; Children Are Not Born With Autism So They Should Not Die With It – August 15, 2013

Please pass this podcast along to anyone with a child who suffers from the symptoms of Autism. It could truly change their lives! THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Kerri Rivera Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism As of May 2013, 93 children previously diagnosed with regressive autism were able to shed their autism diagnosis,…

Blossom Benedict – Learning to listen to your body, instead of everyone else! – August 15, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Blossom Benedict Learning to listen to your body, instead of everyone else! There are more options now, than ever before, for solving our health woes: naturopaths, aromatherapists, osteopaths, hypnotherapists, acupuncturists and so many more provide wide and diverse solutions to what ails us. But what if the wisdom…

The Politics of Polarity: The ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ and its Use in Controlling Modern Society

15th August 2013 By Lee Maddox   What exactly is the Hegelian Dialectic? Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century German philosopher who devised a particular method of argument for resolving disagreements. His method of arriving at “the truth” by exchanging logical arguments is a system of thought process still use to this day….

Research Shows Positive Mental States Encourage Health and Longevity

15th August 2013 ByCarolanne Wright   According to current research, gratitude and appreciation aren’t just pleasant emotions, both offer tangible health benefits as well. TheHeartMath Institutein California has taken these findings a step further, providing a systematic approach for cultivating true appreciation – which ultimately reduces stress, chronic disease and nervous system disorders. In our…

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