Monthly Archives: December 2013

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – The 100th Year Anniversary of The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 – The Beginning, the History, and How It Works Today – December 23, 2013

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -The Federal Reserve Board, Bank and System – the differences and similarities -How the bankers have been controlling the game beginning with William of Orange in 1600 -The Panic of 1907 – another controlled demolition -The American Plan now is active in China -The 16th. Amendment…

Grassfed Meat

Listen to our interview with Ted Slanker Why Grass-Fed? Before you start reading the “Grass-Fed Beef In A Nutshell” essay, let me make a blanket statement. 100% grass-fed meats, from any kind of critter, are the most perfect food for man. Grass-fed meats will supply 100% of your body’s nutrient requirements in perfect balance. Grass-fed…

Ohio Lawmaker Withdraws Bill Described as a ‘Misguided Attack on Homeschooling’

COLUMBUS, Ohio– An Ohio state senator recently introduced a bill that would have forced homeschoolers to undergo government investigation, but promised on Thursday to withdraw the legislation following widespread criticism. Democratic Senator Capri Cafaro has represented the 32nd Ohio Senate District since January 2007. Earlier this month, Cafaro introduced to the Ohio legislature Senate Bill…

The eternal sunshine of the mind-controlled classroom

~a short story~ by Jon Rappoport December 20, 2013 I’m reprinting this piece, in view of the recent report on the vastly escalating diagnosis of ADHD, a “disorder” for which there is no diagnostic test. “Well,” Jimmy’s teacher said, “we’re trying to emphasize cooperation. But Jimmy has another agenda. He apparently wants to stay…

Being Alone Together: Reclaiming Our Connectivity

ByZen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World There is much suffering today. Most of it is spiritually derived, no matter how physically challenging it may be. So many are distressed and feeling there’s no way out of this quagmire they’re being confronted with. Even for those of us spiritually predisposed and somewhat prepared it’s…

An apple a day… could save your life

Natural Health News— Prescribing an apple a day to all adults aged 50 and over would prevent or delay around 8,500 vascular deaths such as heart attacks and strokes every year in the UK. The findings from a study published in the British Medical Journal show that this benefit is similar to giving statins to…

The Color Red & the Changeless Change Of the Change

Re: I hate the color red. It’s a moving trauma, a change of lifestyle shock. A man came to me, saying, “My friend tells me you can read people’s body language. I’ll get a session from you if you can prove it to me.” “Well, OK,” I replied. “Do you have a physical problem?” “My…

Soy Causes Insulin Resistance And a Reduction In Hormones Involved In Regulating Blood Sugar and Fat Levels

  Soy Causes Insulin Resistance And a Reduction In Hormones Involved In Regulating Blood Sugar and Fat Levels   Dec 20, 2013 by DR. MARIANNA POCHELLI More bad news for soy lovers as the legume continues to be linked to negative health effects. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism supports…

Proof that omega-3 supplements can reach the brain

Natural Health News— Omega-3 fatty acids– nutrients long believed to support neurological health– can cross the usually impenetrable blood-brain barrier and make their way into the brain, a new study suggests. The findings, published presented in the Journal of Internal Medicine, could have implications for the use of omega-3s as a treatment for diseases such…

Science Focues on Body’s Own ‘Inner Light’ as the Ultimate Healer

by Christina Sarich December 20th, 2013 Do you think you are psychic enough to predict your future health? Most people would answer, ‘of course not’ but with a new science calledbiontology, we can literally measure the light stored in our DNA and determine our probable state of well-being and vitality. If having a ‘light-body’ sounds…

Iodine an Essential Nutrient for the Thyroid

Pharmacist Ben Get ready aficionados of iodine! In the same way that vitamin D caught the supplementing world by storm in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the 53rd element is poised to become the latest darling of the world of nutrition. Although we’ve known about the purple mineral (the term “iodine” is derived from…

Fruits & Vegetables Suffer From Jet Lag Too

Re: Why does rice fit all 3 time zones? Plant SPECIES have much in common with INDIVIDUAL human “larks” and “owls.” Larks are “early birds.” “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Owls are “night owls,” feeling their best during “mushroom hours.” Larks are generally healthier than owls, unless…

Dr. Richard Massey, MD – We’re All In This Together; You, Me and the Bugs – Your Health Questions Answered – December 19, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Richard Massey, MD Ask Dr. Massey Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine Show Highlights: -How life becomes richer and deeper when we grieve. Patrick’s beloved rooster, Harold, went…

6 Stories That Will Make You Believe In the Power of Your Mind To Heal You

By Lissa Rankin MD Guest Writer forWake Up World My book Mind Over Medicine is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal- or harm- the body. But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s…

4th Grade Common Core Math Problem Takes 108 Steps to Complete

Melissa Melton Activist Post If your child got the answer in two steps, he’d be counted wrong. This would be kinda funny if it wasn’t so damn sad (or real life). Check out this video of mother-of-three Karen Lamoreaux, member ofArkansas Against Common Core, completely owning the ridiculous educational failure that is the Common Core…

Don’t Be the Propagandee Of Your Own DNA

DNA is a THOUGHT TRAP. My Body Language Analysis system can “read” and “separate” your petrified (red) thoughts from your living (blue) thoughts. Your DNA consigns your future thoughts to the past, leaving less and less room for shape-shifting and transformation. Your parents’ and grandparents’ thoughts are passed on to and through your DNAs and…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Minimun Wage; 2014 Inflation Forecast; Buying Gold, Silver and Bitcoins – December 18, 2013

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -The FOMC Meeting today and why a 10 Billion $ per month taper is meaningless -The budget deal signed Wednesday evening – the back story -What could possible go wrong with buying gold and silver now? -Andy digs into Bitcoins and his predictions are playing out…

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