Monthly Archives: December 2013

Top Dementia Expert Speaks Out on Alzheimer’s – We’ve Wasted Billions on Drugs When All We Needed Was Prevention

Top Dementia Expert Speaks Out on Alzheimer’s – We’ve Wasted Billions on Drugs When All We Needed Was Prevention In the last few decades, almost $40 billion has been spent worldwide on trying to develop a breakthrough drug treatment for Alzheimer’s, yet we still don’t have anything that can slow down, let alone stop, the…

Gerald O’Donnell – The Center of the Creator is Everywhere; the Periphery is Nowhere – December 12, 2013

Gerald O’Donnell Remote Viewer and Cosmic Voyager Foreseeing Your Probable Future and Influencing Your Destiny Mr. Gerald O’Donnell holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a M.Sc. in computer Science, and an MBA. He is a certified Hypnotherapist. He was, amongst other activities in various fields, once considered one of the world’s 7 best top technical commodities…

Robin Goffe – The Worm Whisperer talks Worms, Parasites, Chlorine Dioxide, Vaccines and the Autism Connection – December 12, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Robin Goffe The Worm Whisperer If you heard our last interview with Kerri Rivera, you most probably remember her mentioning a woman she referred to as the ‘Worm Whisperer’. Robin has a 19 year old son who has lived through life long Autism. Typically, a majority of these…

36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body

36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body John Summerly, Prevent Disease Waking Times Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect…

New Wi-Fi Technology Can Track You Through Walls

New Wi-Fi Technology Can Track You Through Walls Kevin Samson Activist Post One of the hallmarks of technology is dual-use capability. It is for this reason that we are softened up with all of the benefits, before being introduced to the darker side. Technology has always been a double-edged sword, but we are witnessing a…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Wealth Accumulation and Preservation; Insights into the Monetary World You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else – December 11, 2013

Andrew Gause The Real World of Money Show Highlights: -The Volker Rule – There is simply no beef in this burger. Nothing. -Just what and who is this 4 Trillion Dollar entity called Blackrock, and what do they do for a living? -1.4 Quadrillion Dollars in World Wide derivatives -Americans continue to hoard cash as…

Why Mammograms Are a Harmful Waste of Time & Money

Why Mammograms Are a Harmful Waste of Time & Money Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Millions of women are subjected to ionizing radiation every year when we get mammograms at the directive of our health care providers.Radiationrisks might be worth it if actual cancerous tumors were detected by mammograms, but a Swedishstudyinvolving over 60,000…

Activists Make a Last Ditch Effort to Block Bloomberg’s Forced Flu Shots For Kids

Activists Make a Last Ditch Effort to Block Bloomberg’s Forced Flu Shots For Kids Daisy Luther Activist Post Michael Bloombergmay be nearly finished with his term as the mayor of New York City, but he is pushing his “health” mandates until the very last minute. When he isn’t busypeddling gun control, he’s threatening parents with…

The U.S. Doesn’t Suffer From Malnutrition

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “Lead, silicon, and gold are in the delta wave of the brain.” “It’s better to phosphorize than adrenalize.” “Adrenaline locks the beta wave.” “Light a cigarette with ice. Use phosphorus.” “More cosmic rays bombard the Earth at Lung Time. It’s cosmic acoustics.” “A monk doesn’t need iodine. A man…

Hannah Ransom – Holistic Hormonal Health and Natural Birth Control – December 10, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Hannah Ransom Holistic Hormonal Health and Natural Birth Control Reliable birth control often comes at a cost to health and emotional well being. While a common phrase is that the benefits of using these contraceptives methods outweigh the risks, when there are other effective methods is that really…

CU-Boulder Scientist: Society Should Prepare for Devastating Solar Flare (CME)

CU-Boulder Scientist: Society Should Prepare for Devastating Solar Flare (CME) Activist Post A massive ejection of material from the sun initially traveling at over 7 million miles per hour that narrowly missed Earth last year is an event solar scientists hope will open the eyes of policymakers regarding the impacts and mitigation of severe space…

Hawaii Signs Bill Banning GMOs, Encouraging Community-Based Farming and Food Self-Sufficiency

Hawaii Signs Bill Banning GMOs, Encouraging Community-Based Farming and Food Self-Sufficiency Dec 9, 2013 by NATASHA LONGO Representing the people and members of the Hawaii County Council, Mayor William P. Kenoi has signed a bill relating to genetically engineered crops and plants, effectively booting global agribusiness and instead encouraging support community-based farming and ranching. After…

Fraser Health – One of the Largest Canadian Health Authorities Violates The Canadian Constitution Enforcing Vaccine Policy On Its Employees

Dec 10, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC The Chief Medical Health Officer of Fraser Health, one of the largest health authorities in Canada is violating the Canadian Constitution by requiring all its employees to comply with a directive to vaccinate. The decision is a dangerous precedent and a civil liability contrary to the common law right…

Tony Pantalleresco – We’re Not Living in 1970 Anymore; Outsmarting the Contaminants in Our Food, Water and Air – December 9, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Tony Pantalleresco Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of…

All Compulsory Schooling Is Wrong Education

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) helped me sew my class uniform at the Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences. I was delighted when he ran out of thread due to my aversion to anything requiring mechanical dexterity. “Adano,” I queried, “Why would someone, specifically myself, have such a resistance to machinery?” “Wrong education,” he grunted. Adano wasted…

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