Monthly Archives: January 2012

How Important is Food Combining?

WAYS OF EATING trump Food Combining. (1) Annoyance delays digestion, sometimes for hours. Being annoyed causes bile to be sucked out of the duodenum and up into the stomach. (2) Hard or prolonged exercise before eating interferes with digestion. Light exercise, like a leisurely stroll through the woods, assists digestion. (3) Alcohol retards digestion and…

Circadian Eating: Growth Zone One

Time Conscious Eating is WORKING THE ANGLES. GROWTH ZONE ONE foods are morning foods. All foods that grow on trees may be eaten between 12:30-12:00 am. Growth Zone One foods evolved out of the CANOPY level of the three heights of forest ecology (canopy, understory, floor-subfloor levels). Heliotropic TENSION is the guiding torque influencing Zone…

Dr. John Apsley and Joe Mangano – Fukushima Meltdown and Modern Radiation: Protecting Ourselves and Our Future Generations – January 12, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. John Apsley M.D. and Joe Mangano Fukushima Meltdown and Modern Radiation: Protecting Ourselves and Our Future Generations January 12, 2012 Latest peer-reviewed article derived from Center for Disease Control (CDC) data reveals in excess of 14,000 North American deaths occurred over 4 months since March 2011. This trend…

Robert Bauval – Author of The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World – January 12, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Robert Bauval Writer, Lecturer, Ancient Egypt Researcher January 12, 2012 We welcomed Robert Bauval this morning for an interesting look at who’s ruling the world. He starts the interview discussing The Orion Correlation Theory (OCT) for which he is very well known. This proposes a relationship between the fourth…

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read

January 8, 2012 By Michael Snyder Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporationscontrolled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just sixincredibly powerful media corporations. Thesecorporate behemothscontrol most of whatwe watch, hear and read every single day. They…

A Sexy Side Effect of Almonds

Almonds increase libido in men, and the odor of almonds arouses passion in women. (Who dreams up all these brain studies anyway?) Almonds boost blood flow to the genitals of both men and women. Regular consumption of almonds regenerates skin. The entire skin – to a greater or lesser degree – is an erogenous zone….

Fred Burks – A Different Look at Cover-Ups, Mind Control and Manipulation – January 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Fred Burks Executive Director of the PEERS Network of Websites and manager of, a website of reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups and a call to work together for the good of all. “Trust the universe and everything falls into place”-Fred Burks Fred Burks is truly like a…

How to detox aluminum and why it’s necessary

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by: PF Louis (NaturalNews) We are in the “Age of Aluminum”, this according to a lecture by Dr. Chris Exley, PhD at a January 2011 vaccine safety conference in Jamaica. A common expression among those who deflect aluminum’s toxicity issues is that aluminum is prominent throughout the earth’s crust. What they…

Five practical ways to raise your consciousness in 2012 (and beyond)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Last week, I declared 2012 the “Year of Consciousness” for NaturalNews (…) and pointed out that the ultimate solution to ending tyranny, wars, corporate deception and environmental destruction is to upgrade our consciousness rather than “killing our enemies.” This announcement was greatly appreciated by…

Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures

Monday, January 09, 2012 by: PF Louis (NaturalNews) There have been a few articles written about the multitude of environmentally sustainable industrial applications of hemp. There have been perhaps many more written about the medical applications of cannabis. Now there is a formerly skeptical California doctor who has found the optimal method of using marijuana…

Dr. Joseph Grasso DO – Defining Traditional Osteopathic Medicine – January 9, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Joseph Grasso DO Traditional Osteopathic Medicine “The true Philosophy of Osteopathy Is an art that is holistic and is as old as the Heavens”-Dr. Grasso We welcomed Dr. Grasso this morning and got a real education on answering the question “What exactly is Osteopathy?” Dr. Grassos eloquent answer…

Sexual Vibrancy & Cellular Rejuvenation #2

Here’s tips for Sexual Vibrancy & Cellular Rejuvenation Around the Clock … LUNG TIME (3:00-5:00 am) – Yawn to open up your lungs for INTIMACY. Repeat the voiceless plosives P-T-K to precipitate yawning. P-T-K spreads the vocal folds of your larynx apart and allows stagnant air to flow more freely from the lungs. Lung Time…

Gardasil – Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls

Sunday, January 08, 2012 by: Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC. (NaturalNews) Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country’s HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen, who did not react to…

Sexual Vibrancy & Cellular Rejuvenation #1

Your mind can restore your residual thymus tissue and its supply of “Peter Pan hormone.” A healthy body PULSATES. It STREAMS. All muscle RIGIDITY is caused by neurosis or psychosis. Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) observed … “Man is a stiff-necked race.” It doesn’t have to be that way. :) Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) called the healthy…

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