Monthly Archives: April 2012

Iridology (Iris Analysis) & the Kidneys

There are iris signs associated with potential and functional kidney dis-ease. Whitish-gray smeary clouds and plaque throughout the entire iris indicate an abnormal uric acid metabolism. This whitish-gray plaque is hereditary (I have it), and this “constitutional type” of iris is known as the uric acid diathesis. Other names include … (1) urinary diathesis, (2)…

Yellow For & Against Cancer

If the fertilizing of cancer is the bad news about the color yellow (see my last blog entry), the good news is yellow can also be used for its remission. Xanthopterin, the bright yellow pigment responsible for the integumentary colors on the bodies of certain hornets and wasps, inhibits abnormal cell division while simultaneously boosting…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Paying Taxes? So What Exactly is Income Anyway? – April 18, 2012

Andrew Gause The Real World of Money April 18, 2012 So you paid your taxes and chipped in on the interest on the debt to the private Federal Reserve Bank of New York for another year……. -1894 Supreme Court decision says exactly what income is and isn’t -The IRS is a private corporation hired by…

Yellow Is the Power Behind Coffee

Caffeine increases sperm motility and metabolism … and ups antioxidant levels in seminal fluid. You’ve probably heard otherwise, and that’s because you need to know WHEN to take caffeine. The color yellow is the color of decision and kinesis. Yellow initiates the electron transport of both the mitochondrion and the endoplasmic reticulum via flavin adenine…

Effects of Toxic Metals on Learning Ability and Behavior

Effects of Toxic Metals on Learning Ability and Behavior   B. Windham (Ed) I. Mechanisms of Developmental Damage by Toxic Metals.   The human brain forms and develops over a long period of time compared to other organs, with neuron proliferation and migration continuing in the postnatal period. The blood-brain barrier is not fully developed…

Research: Some Cancer Diagnoses Kill Quicker Than The Cancer

Post date: Tuesday, April 10th 2012 at 11:00 am by Sayer Ji Reprinted from A cancer diagnosis may be the most traumatic thing that can befall a patient within the contemporary medical system; that is, beyond the conventional cancer treatments themselves, many of which have life-threatening and even lethal side effects. New research now…

Fear Relates to the (Kid) Knees

Fear and indecisiveness are associated with the kidneys and the color yellow. Fear can make you “pee your pants.” Indecision can make you “weak in the knees.” The kidneys are part of the Third Endocrine Acceleration – the spine’s Third Chakra and the skull’s Third Realm. This is the level of the thermal, refractive, prismatic,…

The War that will Kill the Dollar

By Richard J. Maybury Speech given at the Casey Research/Sprott Summit Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 1, 2011   I write mainly about two subjects: economics and geopolitics, or you might call it military affairs. In recent years I’ve devoted most of my writing to economic topics such as malinvestment and velocity — especially velocity, the…

Children Have More Common Sense

A mother asked me to look at her young daughter’s right wrist. It had been broken several years before, and had healed, but suddenly had become paralyzed a few days ago. The mother walked away, and I asked the girl, “When you think of not being able to move your wrist, what’s the first color…

Jerry Day – Your Smart Meter and Other Digital Meters Are Watching You – April 12, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jerry Day The Problem with Digital Meters April 12, 2012 Jerry Day, a television/film producer and personal rights and freedom crusader, joined us this morning from Burbank, CA to give us an eye-opening look at digital metering devices. We ventured into some pretty spooky territory as he informed us…

Raymond Wiley – The Georgia Guidestones: Americas Most Mysterious Monument – April 12, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Raymond Wiley The Georgia Guidestones April 12, 2012 The Georgia Guidestones are a collection of standing stones near Elberton, Georgia. Built in 1980, they are primarily composed of six slabs of granite: one central pillar, four “major” stones that fan out from the center, and a capstone. The capstone…

Psychoimmunity & Cancer

Psychoimmunity can overcome cancer. A pivotal attitude adjustment is needed to win the daily battles of “cell wars” – and to negotiate peace in these “wars” as well. A person with cancer has to cultivate an intense desire to LIVE. Genuine altered states of consciousness can put a stop to negative nitrogen balance (what every…

Dr. Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. – The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change The Rest Of Your Life – April 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. Psychologist, author of ‘The Now Effect’ and co-author, ‘A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook’ April 10, 2012 A leader in mindfulness psychology, Dr. Elisha Goldstein takes the mindfulness approach of helping people to connect to the present moment one step further by offering practical techniques to…

‘Of Towering Infernos, False Flags & Terrorism’ -Adrian Salbuchi

When Moscow’s Federation Tower skyscraper caught fire on April 1st, images of the blazing inferno on its upper floors were grim reminders of New York’s World Trade Center 9/11 attacks of 2001. Had the 9/11 “laws of physics” prevailed Federation Tower should have collapsed into its footprint and covered central Moscow in inches of fine…

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