Monthly Archives: October 2012

Lack of Gall (Bladder) Stores Anger In the Liver

The gall bladder is a pear-shaped musculomembranous pouch beneath the right lobe of the liver. Gall bladder literally means “sore bladder.” Many Western doctors say people with small gall bladders have less problems than those with larger gall bladders. Spinal reflexes associated with the gall bladder include the thoracic vertebrae T2, T4, and T6. Eastern…

5 More Pneumatic Clues About Weight Loss & Gain

(1) “A sound heart is the life of the flesh,” according to the Bible. Burning calories is the job of the Third Chakra, while gaseous constriction and dilation is the job of the Fourth Chakra, commonly called the Heart Chakra. An endomorph (chubby-morph) resonates with the Fifth Chakra – the Thyroid Chakra. A mesomorph (muscle-morph)…

Markus Rothkranz – Learning What Real Health Is: Body, Mind and Spirit – October 23, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Markus Rothkranz Learning What Real Health Is: Body, Mind and Spirit Having healed himself of multiple life-threatening illnesses, author of the hugely popular book “HEAL YOURSELF 101″, Markus Rothkranz is living proof how amazing life can be when we take matters into our own hands. It really works. Markus…

Tina Erwin – Calling All Angels: Help is there for the Asking – Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View – October 23, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Tina Erwin Author of Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View We’ve all read and heard ghost stories but have you ever heard the ghosts’ stories? Listen as each ghost tells you: What it’s like to be dead. What it’s like to be driving down the road one…

“Get a Job”

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network Our commitment to living the survivalist lifestyle includes living so far off the beaten path as to make a daily commute to work impractical to say the least. And so, in monetary terms, we have been living on just a few hundred dollars a year. Someone,…

The Internet Revolution is a Liberty Revolution

Ron Paul Until the late 1990s, individuals interested in Austrian economics, U.S. constitutional history, and libertarian philosophy had few sources of information. They had to spend hours scouring used book stores or the back pages of obscure libertarian periodicals to find the great works of Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, and other giants of liberty. Local library…

Another Reason for “Smart” Electric Meters

New research finds some existing meters have security holes that the next generation does not. David Talbot Friday, October 19, 2012 For all the concern that next-generation “smart” electric meters are vulnerable to hacks or snooping, some older meters that have been widely used for years could be even less secure, researchers have found….

5 Pneumatic Clues About Weight Loss & Gain

(1) Whales or giant sea turtles kept in captivity don’t grow as large as they do in the ocean. Deep diving into high pressure is what activates weight gain. A similar process occurs when a baby is expelled from a highly pressurized womb into the less pressurized environment to enter the world with the typical…

Court Rules Cell Phones Are Causing Brain Tumors

Anthony Gucciardi NaturalSociety October 22, 2012 In response to the increasing amount of information shedding light on how cell phones can alter the brain in many known and unknown ways, Italy’s Supreme Court centered in Rome has decided to take action. Seeking to protect unknowing consumers with a particular eye on children, whose brain is…

Positivity, Authenticity & Coding DNA for Higher Vibrational Programs

19th October 2012 ByMonaBhattacharya Literature on positive thinking and positive thought has been one of thecornerstonesof the modern-day,mainstreamself-improvement movement in western culture.Almost every technique, school or modality emphasizes the benefits of being positive, but in myexperienceas a healer, being positive can come in the way of being authentic. Concepts such as expressing gratitude and always…

Meditation At the Atomic Level Of Existence

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “This is an atom-sphere. Your will to live holds the atoms together. Your will to die demagnetizes the atoms.” “Light is made up of electrons. Our whole atmosphere is nothing but an electron field. We live in an atom-sphere, not an atmosphere. This energy field is visible as a…

Adano Ley On God As Atomic Physics

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “How can an atom get tired? We are surrounded by a sea of energy.” “The nuclear mantram is Atom-Hum. To split or not to split?, that is the question. A particle divided against itself will fall out.” “‘I need air to live’ is erroneous. God exists as atomic physics.”…

You Can Get An Engram Or You Can Acquire One

A right-sided trauma can be from IDENTIFYING with a woman’s trauma with a man. For example, a father abuses a mother and their child sympathizes with the mother and takes on the mother’s “karma” with the father. Either way, the correction is with the mother, not the father, and is on the right side of…

Good Sex Makes Sexual Chemistry, Not Vice Versa

Good sex makes sexual hormones, not the other way around. Old school psychology/psychiatry asserted your “good” or “bad” relationship with your mother, father, spouse, etc., caused your brain chemistry. Now – since the Era of Coal Tar chemistry beginning in 1945 and in full swing by 1955 – psychology/psychiatry alleges your brain chemistry causes your…

Dr. Emil DeToffol – What are Electromagnetic Fields and How Can We Protect Ourselves from Them? – October 18, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Emil DeToffol President & CEO of Less EMF Inc. With all the hype this week about Smartmeters and EMF’s, we’re happy to present you with a show about the dangers of EMF’s and solutions we can use to protect ourselves and our families. Patrickasks questions such as: -What…

John Hogue – 2012 Prophecy, Current Affairs and the Election. Who will win? – October 18, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   John Hogue Authority on Nostradamus “For real democracy to flower, you first need a real humanity.” – John Hogue bio. Author of 18 books in 19 languages, “Rogue” scholar, world authority on Nostradamus and the prophetic traditions of the world. We’ll ask John who he thinks will win…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Living in a Fish Bowl without Becoming Fishfood – October 17, 2012

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Today’s Topics: -Housing numbers, Job numbers – see “Uncle Same Cooks the Books” by Andrew Gause -Mr. Romney is talking tough with China, tariffs. Is this real? -Tuesday’s debate – analysis by Andrew and Patrick from the cheap seats -Oil, gas, it’s all the same in the Middle…

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