Monthly Archives: December 2013

Monsanto Is a Snowflake On the Tip Of the Iceberg

So you think GMOs are a threat? They are, but … What about Atomically Modified Organisms – AMO foods? Many of our fruits and vegetables are irradiated in atomic gardens, typically with cobalt-60. Thousands of mutated plants have been created. 75% of them are crop plants, and 25% are ornamentals. Atomic breeding was started in…

5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol Levels (HDL) Naturally

by Christina Sarich Still, for those people still trying to reduce cholesterol to prevent heart disease, it’s important to know that there are two types of cholesterol – the ‘good’ one which is HDL, and the ‘bad’ one which is LDL. Determining ways to reduce your LDL and increase your HDL could be important to…

Life-Saving, Mega-Dose IV Vitamin C can be Achieved Orally Now

by Paul Fassa Until recently, miraculous-healing mega-dose vitamin C could only be delivered through IV, and not orally. Those levels either blow out the bowel tolerance level or get urinated out before they can do their work. But now, you can achieve the results of IV mega-dose vitamin C orally, successfully. It’s called Liposomal vitamin…

25 Healthy Habits To Lose Weight This Holiday Season

Dec 29, 2013 by EMYRALD SINCLAIRE With the holidays behind us, I know the thought of losing weight and remaining healthy can be intimidating. It’s much easier to forget about the notion of New Year’s resolutions until..well…the new year. There are calorie-laden holiday drinks like egg nog to imbibe. There are holiday favorites like pumpkin…

Yawning & Stretching For Neuromuscular Release

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “Any exercise requiring regularity plus torque can precipitate disease by muscle striation, leading to a mineral imbalance.” Combining stretching and yawning with exercise (including bodybuilding) maintains pneumatic equilibrium, e.g., Arthur Lessac’s “muscle-yawn.” Lessac (1909-2011) pioneered “relaxation in action,” utilizing techniques like “body-yawn” push-ups and chin-ups, and yawning while bending…

What Mentally Strong People Do and Do Not Do

This is an excerpt from FORBES 1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You don’t see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they’ve been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and they have an inherent understanding of the fact that frequently life…

Turmeric Extract Found Superior To Blockbuster Drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder A highly promising pilot study published in the journal Phytotherapy Researchbroke new ground in 2012 by identifying a safe and effective natural alternative to drug therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful and debilitating autoimmune disease that can lead to a substantial loss…

Information Based Medicine: The Antidote To An Over-Medicated Medical System

Written By: Rob Kress “Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful, new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, the industry uses its wealth and power to corrupt every institution that might stand in its…

How Biological Farming Can Transform Your Food Supply for the Better

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Jerry Brunetti, an internationally renowned speaker, is the founder of Agri-Dynamics, a company that provides holistic animal remedies for farm, livestock, and pets. He’s also a co-founder of EarthWorks Natural Organic Products, which provides products and consulting services. Brunetti is a cancer survivor who can say he saved his own life…

Red (Individuality) Is the Loneliest Color

A woman told me her right ankle began hurting the previous afternoon. 25 or so people were assembled in the living room of my friends’ house/clinic in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. “What time of the afternoon?” I asked. “Around 2:00 o’clock. I was all alone in my house, and it just started hurting for no reason.”…

A Chart of Some of the Wildest Conspiracy Theories That Actually Turned Out to Be True!

Becket Adams   Have you heard about the United States government’s top-secret heart attack gun? Did you know the Federal Bureau of Investigation poisoned alcohol during prohibition? Was the government thinking about developing a super-secret “gay bomb”? Chances are you’re familiar with at least one of the above questions. If you are, you also probably…

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