Monthly Archives: June 2014

The real reason your thyroid doesn’t work right

By Robert Rowen, MD In the last 20 years or so, I’ve seen an amazing jump in the number of people who suffer from thyroid problems. It’s becoming epidemic. Even our children are starting to have thyroid disease. What could be causing the rising epidemic? While the answer might surprise you, it will make perfect…

How to Trash Your Liver With an OTC Drug

Atom’s Blog Twice as many people are dying of liver disease in 2014 than were in 1991. Are 21st Century people taking that much more acetaminophen? A woman went to the emergency room of a hospital with severe flu symptoms. She started having seizures while still in the emergency room, so she was hospitalized. Test…

The Miracle Nutrient That Helps Any Diet Burn Fat Faster

By Robert Rowen, MD (It even works if you don’t diet) If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve probably tried the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, maybe even Pritikin, Zone, or Metabolic Typing. And I hope you’re even working toward the Living Foods diet. Well, regardless of which diet you’re using, I’ve got great…

Eugenics Has Always Been an Anti-Feminist Science

Atom’s Blog Eugenicists didn’t hide behind euphemisms like “biotechnology” and “genomics” before the Second World War. Eugenicists continue to rule the world. The names have changed, but the game is the same. Eugenics is a patriarchal pseudo-science, and remains prejudiced against women and their contributions to health; e.g., gardening, horticulture, herbal science, holistic medicine, etc….

Trace Minerals are Necessary for Optimal Health!

Online Holistic Health   Trace minerals are extremely important for human health, and are sadly overlooked as the root cause to many health conditions when deficiency is present.. Where are Trace Minerals Found? Trace minerals are found in our oceans (or salt based lakes such as; the Salt Lake of Salt Lake City), as well…

An Egg Is the Simplest & Most Complete Food

Atom’s Blog Re: I just read an article titled “Eggs Are Bad Food.” What do you think? Eggs are an asset to health, especially at night. Fred Harding (Breast Cancer: Cause-Prevention-Cure, 2006) wrote … “[Dr. Paul Dudley] White had noted that heart disease in the form of MI [myocardial infarction] was non-existent in 1900 when…

Stephen Heuer – One World Whey: There’s Nothing to Improve On – June 12, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Stephen Heuer Nutripath and Founder of Cocoon Nutrition Updated News and Information on One World Whey Stephen Heuer is the founder of Cocoon Nutrition. BIO: In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic Doctor…

3 Types of Foods You Probably Didn’t Know Have MSG

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is not a nutrient, vitamin, or mineral and has no absolutely no health benefits. It is a processed food and pharmaceutical additive that is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin (excitotoxin) that kills brain cells in the hypothalamus and has been linked to migraines, seizures, ADD/ADHD, heart palpitations and is…

More About the Doc Behind the Chicken Heart Experiment

Atom’s Blog Marie Bailly was dying of tubercular peritonitis. Her sudden cure at Lourdes on May 28, 1902, was documented by Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel (1873-1944). Dr. Carrel was (and remains) very controversial due to his … 1) Nazi affiliations 2) eugenics research 3) close friendship with John D. Rockefeller 4) chicken heart experiment…

Dr. C. Norman Shealy – Lengthening Telomeres for Longevity – June 10, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   C. Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D Founder of the Shealy Pain Clinic and author of “Living Bliss: Major Discoveries along the Holistic Path” Neurosurgeon says new DNA-lengthening therapy can potentially double your lifespan C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., is a neurosurgeon and humanistic psychologist with more than fifty years…

How To Cleanse With Juicing and Juice Fasting

JUNE 10, 2014 by DR. BEN KIM I’m often asked to name one thing that can be done right away to get healthier. With respect to food choices, the best suggestion I have is to begin drinking freshly pressed vegetable juices. Drinking just one freshly pressed juice each day is a reliable way of infusing…

Questions for Tony Pantalleresco – June 9, 2014

Visit show page for additional topics discussed on this show tony pantalleresco and healing at home, june 9, 2014, hour one Additional questions addressed on today’s show with Tony Pantalleresco -My wife and I recently discovered that she has some genetic mutations that affect her Methylation Cycle (MTHFR, MTRR, BHMT, VDR, COMT, CBS). We discovered…

Dandelions – God’s Amazing Super Food!

Dandelions – God’s Amazing Food! Are those green noodles or dandelion stems? by Cab McCann Some of the amazing, miraculous health benefits and incredible nutritional components contained in dandelions are presented in this excerpt from the bookThe Dandelion Celebration-The Guide to Unexpected Cuisine)here: The article lists some of the ingredients in the Creator’s “proprietary nutrient…

The Mini-Beet Protocol

The Mini-Beet Protocol Click here for our interview with Robert von Sarbacher The MBP is pretty simple… I used this in Mexico for all the endlessly fluoridated people and all their sicknesses, and it made it so that the conditions associated with endless amount of fluoride they were consuming via bathing was reversing and QUICKLY….

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