Monthly Archives: September 2014

Martin Lee – Defending Whole Plant Cannabis Therapeutics – September 30, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Martin Lee Director of Project CBD Defending Whole Plant Cannabis Therapeutics Cannabidiol — CBD— is a compound in cannabis that has significant medical effects, but does not make people feel “stoned” and can actually counter the psychoactivity of THC. The reduced psychoactivity of CBD-rich cannabis may make it an…

Dr. Wil Spencer – Correcting Imbalances and Illness Through Restoring the Elements of Nature’s Design – September 29, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Wil Spencer Naturopath at Dr Wil Spencer, Naturopath, VMSP, Author and Researcher is an advocate for Nature. His work extends into multiple areas of investigative research and education regarding human and environmental health relative to identifying and restoring the degraded conditions of natural homeostasis, most often due…

George Swanson – Holistic, Harmonious and Environmentally Healthy Building Ideas – September 29, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone George Swanson Bau-Biologie: Environmentally Healthy Building Over the past several years there has been a growing awareness of the need for humanity to reverse the destructive trends of modern industrialization and embrace a more holistic, harmonious and sustainable legacy for future generations. Worldwide, the largest industry on earth is…

Compound in Celery Found to Destroy 86% of Lung Cancer Cells

Compound in Celery Found to Kill 86% of Lung Cancer Cells : Natural Society by Christina Sarich Many foods have a number of health benefits, while others stand above the rest as disease fighting wonders – at least in some specific departments. Celery is one of them. The foodhas been found to be extremely effective…

Ten steps to Understanding Natural Allopathic Medicine

Ten steps to Understanding Natural Allopathic Medicine Dr Mark Sircus Ten steps to Understanding Natural Allopathic Medicine Anyone who cares to learn how to practice Natural Allopathic Medicine principals can do so with ease. Natural Allopathic Medicine should be taught to mothers who are in the front lines of medical care because they are the…

Partial Placebo Is Better Than No Placebo

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said, “Consciousness acting on consciousness is mind acting on mind – total placebo.” Until we master total placebo, we can apply partial placebo to the simpler diseases that come our way. Matthew Solan (“The Placebo Effect,” Men’s Fitness, Nov. 2000) wrote … “In 1994, J. Bruce Moseley, M.D., a surgeon and…

Laughter Shown To Work Better Than Pharmaceuticals And Affects The Body Like Exercise

SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 by MAE CHAN It’s no secret that laughter is good for you and, even when indulged in liberally, is gloriously free of side effects. Laughter is a simple stress reducer, a kind of natural Valium, but is also allows us to connect to other people in such unique ways, that it cannot…

Dr. Oz: GMOs Can Be Ushering in a Pesticide Arms Race

Heather Callaghan Activist Post One thing’s for sure: when Dr. Oz speaks, people listen. Many a healthfood store and tea shop owner have saluted him when he mentions their goods on air – and their stores fill up. In the past he has drawn cheers and jeers for his fluctuating stances on organic food and…

Vitamin C & the Madness Of Crowds

Re: What do you think of vitamin C? It’s really good stuff, but (contrary to Old Doctor’s Tales) vitamin C can be produced in the body (First Endocrine Level) by the mind (Third Endocrine Level). The Royal Bloodlines who run the New World Order and the Monolithic Medical Monopoly know this for a fact, but…

Jonathan Tripodi – Freedom from Body Memory – September 23, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jonathan Tripodi Author of Freedom from Body Memory InFreedom from Body Memory,we join Jonathan Tripodi on his 18 year journey to uncover the secrets of body memory and how one’s unconscious hold on thepastis aninvisible source of suffering. He explains how pain,fatigue, anxiety, depression and destructive behaviors are all…

Richard Hansler, Ph.D. – Maximizing Melatonin with Low Blue Lights – September 23, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Richard Hansler, Ph.D. Maximizing Melatonin with Low Blue Lights Your body produces the important hormone melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. Increasing your body’s melatonin production can improve your sleep. Melatonin is produced by your pineal gland, normally only when you are in darkness. Using artificial light in the evening…

Leaky (Hyper-Permeable) Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is excess and/or mistimed intestinal permeability. Excess intestinal permeability is over-alkaline permeability, either locally or throughout the body. Mistimed intestinal permeability is a daily (circadian) and/or yearly (circannual) syndrome. Intestinal permeability is designed to be most permeable in the late afternoon and autumn, and least permeable in the evening and winter. Excessive…

Heather Strang – Energy Medicine and Aligning Ourselves with Who We Really Are – September 22, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Heather Strang Energy Medicine Heather Strang is an author, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Shambhala Multidimensional Reiki Healer. Her books include “The Quest: A Tale of Desire & Magic” (currently being optioned as a feature-length film), “Following Bliss,” and “Anatomy of the Heart: Love Poems.” Heather became interested in…

Dr. Jess Armine – The Sherlock Holmes of Chronic Diseases – September 22, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Jess Armine The Sherlock Holmes of Chronic Disease Dr. Jess P. Armine holds licenses as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Registered Nurse. He is trained in Chiropractic, Methylation, Genetic Research, Neuro-Endo-Immunology, Functional Medicine, Nutrigenomics, Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Manipulation, and Nutritional Counseling. He has been a health care…

5 Immune-Boosting Ingredients for an Anti-Cancer Smoothie

5 Immune-Boosting Ingredients for an Anti-Cancer Smoothie : Natural Society by Christina Sarich It has been shown again and again that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline body. Cancer, in fact,thrives, in an acidic, inflammatory, oxygen-poor environment.Sadly, many of the foods we eat every day are acidic and cause,you guessed it, cancer-fuelinginflammation. Why not turn…

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