NWE Slideshow #96
NWE Slideshow #95
NWE Slideshow #94
NWE Slideshow #79
NWE Slideshow #81
NWE Slideshow #65
NWE Slideshow #82
NWE Slideshow #91
NWE Slideshow #89
NWE Slideshow #88
NWE Slideshow #85
Patrick J. Timpone By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty): “Like it or not, we do survive our decent burials. We are all here till Midnight Eternity. That means Big Daddy-o ain’t gonna go out of business for nobody, and he ain’t working for nobody either.” <> Patrick J. Timpone is…
The Friday Show Patrick Timpone and Hannah Walizer Discussing the Topics Important to You Many are having sleep issues the past month or so. What’s up We talk about some simple was to decompress and relaxing for bed Sighing … a deep sigh works wonders for parasympathetic mode Why aren’t we talking with one another…
Darko Velcek Heal Yourself From the time that we opened our eyes in this creation we are told what to do, how to behave, what to learn and what to believe. One thing that we are not taught is how to think. As soon as we think, questions start to appear and we are not…
Russell Bentley LIVE from Ukraine Russell Bentley gives a live update from Ukraine. Is this true? Colonel Douglas Macgregor told Tucker Carlson 500,000 Ukrainians have been killed and there’s absolutely no way Ukraine will survive Bentley has been in Ukraine since 2014 He spent years fighting the Nazi’s the real enemy of Russia Ukraine has…
Patrick Timpone All of the players in the healing arts and media are a major problem as they believe in viruses We don’t think we need to kill anything…. ever If we need meat, fish to thrive we can treat them with respect, feed them well and bless them as they give up their life…
Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University…
The Friday Show Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer Discussing the Topics Important to You Each tooth we have is directly tied to one or more organs, joints and vertebrate Patrick talks about work on a root of a long time crown connected to his bladder, kidney, feet and pineal gland This dead root was taken…
Steve Falconer Steve Falconer and Patrick have been contemplating what the next step into the “Flat Earth†phenomenon. Perhaps it’s been psychological operation from a deeper perspective than imaginable part one part two
Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…
Dr. Richard Massey Your Health Questions Answered Another adventure into his fascinating work of uncovering the emotional and familial relationship aspect of disease and healing Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine docmassey@gmail.comGive Dr. Massey a call…
Patrick Timpone Our Mission, If We Choose to Accept it is to not be For or Against Anything In our ongoing series of “It Takes a Long Time To Get Young” we talk about the state of Vairag. The razors edge of staying neutral to the many “Diversions” the Matrix puts forth to trap us….
The Friday Show Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer Discussing the Topics Important to You Are parasites the next “germ” “killer” that we will say has been made up? the body is full of microbes of a wide variety and when the body dies, it eats all the flesh. So, why would we need to kill…
Patrick Timpone If earth is not a spinning ball, where exactly is it? Who can answer this question… Where is it? What is called Earth IS physical reality. And as physical realty it is a sate of consciousness and like all other realities appears solid, but is not. If The Earth Plane is simply another…
Tom Luongo Publisher of Gold, Goats n’ Guns Newsletter Tom Luongo is a former research chemist and writer on markets, culture and geopolitics. He publishes regularly on his blog, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns at www.tomluongo.me as well as the Gold Goats ‘n Guns Monthly Newsletter which provides a portfolio strategy for retail-level investors to make sense of…
Patrick Timpone It Takes A Long Time to Get Young Hot War appears to be coming with Russia – Our Viewpoint on this is critical to thrive during this escapade There’s nothing in the mind that is not in the body. Nothing Nothing exist until we say it does. We manifest our thoughts, images and…
Greg Mannarino The Global Economy Is In Free-fall; it’s Not Going to Stop Gregory Mannarino, an American financial strategist, technical analyst, and practicing health care provider, has risen to fame lately for the principles he preaches in stock trading. Greg has become popular lately as the “host†of a popular daily YouTube blog. Through it, the financial…
Matthew Ehret BRICS-Anon, Socialist Feudalism, Controlled Oppositions and More BRICS is a grouping of the world economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa formed by the 2010 addition of South Africa to the predecessor BRIC.[1][2][3][4] The original acronym “BRIC”, or “the BRICs”, was coined in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill to describe fast-growing economies that he predicted would collectively dominate the global economy by…
David Weiss (Flat Earth Dave) Patrick and Flat Earth Dave will discuss a crowd funded documentary film project that Patrick would like to produce which would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is flat Most of us have spent our lives believing the earth is heliocentric, simply because that’s what we’ve always…
The Friday Show Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer Discussing the Topics Important to You We talk about children and pets and encouraging their good behavior rather than pointing out their bad behavior Patrick talks about praising Doodle when she comes when called after coming from next door and playing in the mud with neighbors dog…
Patrick Timpone Healing Through Detox; How We Create the Need and How It Works How we build up energy in the body for the need to detox Since there are no germs, all sickness is the body detoxing The usual suspects of fear, worry and tension are the number one ways we damage the tissues…