Monthly Archives: November 2013

Dr. Hanoch Talmor, MD – The Use of Consciousness and Personal Growth in Self Healing – November 12, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Hanoch Talmor, MD Holistic Medicine and Self Healing Dr. Talmor has utilized body-mind techniques in his medical practice as a pediatrician and emergency room physician since 1976. He taught personal growth classes to inmates in the Florida prison system from 1985 to 1991. He worked extensively and…

Chemtrails? ‘Mysterious Fibers’ Fall from the Sky in France

Melissa Melton Activist Post French English-language newspaperThe Connexionis reporting that mysterious fibres have dropped from the sky over Drôme and Ardèche in Southern France, leaving residents puzzled while others point to the chemtrail phenomenon: Reports of the fibres were first raised on Thursday, but no one has yet been able to identify what they are…

What’s the Scoop On Juicing Fruits & Vegetables?

Drinking liquids with meals dilutes … (1) saliva (2) stomach acid (3) digestive enzymes (4) bile The same goes for “juicing.” Juicing is supposed to be better than eating whole fruits and vegetables because nutrients are absorbed more efficiently and the digestive system can rest from working on fiber. Roll up your pants! It’s too…

Tony Pantalleresco – Cutting Edge Remedies: Reversing Mutations and Getting Our Genetic Code Back to Normal – November 11, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Tony Pantalleresco Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora…

Understanding Unsaturated & Saturated Fat

By Dr. Ben Fuchs, Pharmacist Ben The most misunderstood and maligned nutrient is undoubtedly fat. Those three letters that are responsible for so much misery and marketing spell out the most powerful and energetically dense of all the macro and micro nutrients human beings and animals consume. There are two main classes of food fats,…

Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics to Replace the Pharmaceuticals for Good

by Christina Sarich November 11th, 2013 The overuse of antibiotics has become amodern-day epidemic.These drugs have depleted our natural immunity by killing thegood bacteriain our guts and also creating super-bugs that have become resistant to almost any form of prescribed drug around. Instead of making yourself weaker, and depleting your body’snatural abilityto cure itself from…

A Peaceful Awakening

Jon David Miller Activist Post It is a time of awakening, a time when growing numbers of intelligent people are becoming aware of the major challenges we face and are considering the situation. Awareness Of The Challenges Do you realize there is a secretive policy of non-disclosure for much of what is done by those…

Life On Earth Is Built By & For the Sun

The “forest ecology” consists of 3 floors (if you count the basement and the first floor as one floor). Trees thrive on the third floor – the top floor. Vines, grasses, and shrubs thrive on the second floor – the middle floor. Roots and sea life thrive on the first floor and in the basement…

Obamacare – Medical and Financial Rape Let me start this essay by saying I do not like rapists. In general, they get away with their dirty deeds, which come in many forms beyond the sexual. There are many ways to hurt people, with doctors, medical officials and the government itself getting into the act of finding dastardly ways of destroying…

Breakthrough Converts Wi-Fi to Electric Power as Efficiently as Solar Panels

It’s possible to use this design for a lot of different frequencies and types of energy, including vibration and sound energy harvesting. —Duke University. How do you define free energy? A cheap device that converts freely available background radiation into energy to run gadgets or charge batteries? No fossil fuel needed. No turbines need to…

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha – Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies – November 7, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Zhi Gang Sha Soul Healing Miracles Dr. Zhi Gang Sha is trained as a doctor of Western medicine in China, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (China and Canada), and a Grandmaster of Eastern arts, including tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, I Ching, and calligraphy. Master…

Dr. Jeremiah Bursch – Knee, Chest, Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic: Getting the Atlas Right – November 7, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Jeremiah Bursch Knee, Chest, Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic After practicing several years and helping a lot of people feel better, Dr. Bursch found that the “general” chiropractic techinques taught in chiropractic school didn’t provide the results he knew were possible in more complicated cases. Ultimately, Dr. Bursch was…

Be Careful What You Read In a Health Book

The “nutritional science” of today’s technocrats is incomplete What will folks think of our “nutritional science” a hundred years from now? Or in 2214? Or 2314? Mark Twain didn’t say (but it’s a good quote anyway) … “Be careful what you read in a health book. You might die of a misprint.” (1) Scientists warned…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Creating Money Out of Nothing is the Strongest Drug of All – November 6, 2013

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -Andy and Patrick talk about the elections yesterday from performance art to taxing marijuana -Creating money out of nothing is the strongest drug of all -The Obama Care meme of “You will be able to keep your present health care provider and insurance” is a lie….

The Ketogenic diet and cancer by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD

By Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. (NaturalHealth365) In my previous article, I addressed the “ketogenic enthusiasts,” as I call them, who appear to be promoting the ketogenic diet as a cancer treatment despite the lack of convincing human data. Here, in this final installment in the series, I want to offer my perspective on why the ketogenic…

Study Finds Statin Use Tied to Cataracts, Eye Damage

by Elizabeth Renter November 6th, 2013 Advocates and Big Pharma manufacturers of the largest class of cholesterol drugs, statins, have purported that their drugs—taken by millions–have antioxidant qualities that could protect the eyes from signs of aging. But a recently released study says that simply isn’t true, adding another item to the long list of…

The Meme (Not the Gene) Is the Main Cause Of Trauma

Genes are the minor way to perpetuate engrams (both toxic as well as benign). Genes cause symmetrical tissue irritation. Memes – units of cultural transmission – are the major way. Memes cause asymmetrical tissue irritation. Memes (more accurately, their feeling-tones) can be transmitted to the sperm and ovum before they unite. Today’s leading world expert…

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